Hemaka Samuelson, (-3024, -2982) was a vagabond in Motsetsi.
Hemaka believed in Shamanism.
He lived a life of absolute poverty. Eating or sleeping in a safe place was a constant struggle. He lived as an outcast. To tell the truth, in Motsetsi, he gained the trust or the friendship of no one. He had no culture at all and lived like a beast. He was vigorous, muscular, and had a near perfect body. In the life, he was able to take a few important life-changing decisions.
Hemaka, 24 years old, joins the small community of Motsetsi as a servant.
10 years later, Hemaka had an opportunity to change his activity. After some time and some learning, he became vagabond. A few days later, Hemaka was tired by a minor, but chronic disase. On the first day of the month after, Hemaka got drunk and did thinqs he had regrets for all his life. A few weeks later, Hemaka fell in love with Takama, a charming woman, 30 years old, a vagabond. Both married and lived together from now on.
A little while after, Takama got pregnant and gave birth to an adorable baby boy, but he was weak and died the first night. Takama got heartbroken.
8 years later, Hemaka stole something very precious and never got caught. The same day, Hemaka bought some new personal things at a fair price.
A few days later, Takama got pregnant, and gave birth to a monstrous looking boy named Kyela.