Abeo Haestinn, (-2523, -2475) was a potter in Thebes - Luxor.
Abeo believed in Ancient Egyptian religion.
He lived a life of poverty. He was able to eat and sleep under a shelter, but ended with having no possession at all. He belonged to the low caste of the society, and had some friends among the servants, beggars and workers. He had a low knowledge of life, summing up to some technical tricks and tales from Thebes - Luxor. He was weak, and fell ill all the time. He was soft-spirited, rejecting any responsability.
Abeo, 30 years old, potter, became the new leader of the family.
In the year -2488, Abeo understood that only the fittest can survive and swore to be the best. A little while after, Abeo became paranoid.
Aged 48, Abeo spent time socializing with people in Thebes - Luxor. He made some strong friendships (and a couple of enemies). Nine months after, Abeo found a good luck charm.