Udad Ambassadoroui, (389, 426) was a porter in Katsina-Ala.
Udad believed in Berber religion.
He lived a life of poverty. He was able to eat and sleep under a shelter, but ended with having no possession at all. He belonged to the low caste of the society, and had some friends among the servants, beggars and workers. He had a low knowledge of life, summing up to some technical tricks and tales from Katsina-Ala. He was physically powerful, with a perfect body in a perfect health.In the life, he was able to take a few important life-changing decisions.
Udad, 32 years old, porter, became the new leader of the family.
Aged 37, Udad invested all his time and energy in his work. Nine months after, Udad lost his libido.