Buneb Myst, (-2975, -2914) was a salt miner in Sine Ngayene Stone Circle.
Buneb believed in Shamanism.
He lived mostly in extreme poverty. Simply eating was an issue, most of the days. He lived as an outcast. To tell the truth, in Sine Ngayene Stone Circle, he gained the trust or the friendship of no one. He had no culture at all and lived like a beast. He was vigorous, muscular, and had a near perfect body. He was known as resolute, with a true entrepreneur spirit.
Buneb, 36 years old, salt miner, became the new leader of the family.
Aged 46, Buneb decided to settle somewhere else. He packed a few possessions and departed for a new place. The travel was uneventful, and a little bit boring and long. The family settled in Sine Ngayene Stone Circle. On the next full moon, Buneb bought some new personal things at a fair price. At the same time, Buneb reconciled with an ex friend. On the first day of the month after, Buneb fell in love with Iput, a beautiful woman, 31 years old, a farmer. Both married and lived together from now on.
A little while after, Iput got pregnant, and gave birth to an ugly boy named Yaro.
Aged 61, Buneb spent a lot of time thinking and meditating about his beliefs. Later, Buneb lost his hair. A few days later, Buneb brought justice in his neighborough.
Later, Iput got pregnant, and gave birth to a monstrous looking boy named Buneb.