Kaa Lupil, (-2736, -2679) was a musician in Katsina-Ala.
Kaa believed in Ancient Egyptian religion.
He lived a life of absolute poverty. Eating or sleeping in a safe place was a constant struggle. He was considered as belonging to the lowest caste. However, he made some friends among it. He had no culture at all and lived like a beast. He was physically powerful, with a perfect body in a perfect health.He was mostly indecisive, usually accepting any order from anyone.
Kaa, 42 years old, weaver, became the new leader of the family.
15 years later, Kaa had an opportunity to change his activity. After some time and some learning, he became musician. A little while after, Kaa got drunk and did thinqs he had regrets for all his life. Later, Kaa bought some new personal things at a fair price.