Enku Xyxyz, (-2992, -2941) was a mercenary in Danangombe.
Enku believed in Animism.
She lived a life of poverty. She was able to eat and sleep under a shelter, but ended with having no possession at all. She lived as an outcast. To tell the truth, in Danangombe, she gained the trust or the friendship of no one. She had no culture at all and lived like a beast. She was vigorous, muscular, and had a near perfect body. She was known as resolute, with a true entrepreneur spirit.
Enku, 40 years old, mercenary, became the new leader of the family.
At the age of 51, Enku spent time and money for the people that needed help. The same day, Enku broke a leg. Later, Enku became a part-time teacher.
Enku went to war for an unknown cause and never came back.