Mansa Zur1, (-2982, -2925) was a thief in Sidubu Cave.
Mansa believed in Shamanism.
She lived a life of poverty. She was able to eat and sleep under a shelter, but ended with having no possession at all. She lived as an outcast. To tell the truth, in Sidubu Cave, she gained the trust or the friendship of no one. She had no culture at all and lived like a beast. She was robust, stunning, and never got sick a single time. She was a determined one, living an independant way of life.
Mansa, 40 years old, thief, became the new leader of the family.
At the age of 49, Mansa spent time socializing with people in Sidubu Cave. She made some strong friendships (and a couple of enemies). A little while after, Mansa sheltered some lost animals. At the same time, Mansa fell in love with Teriahi, an ugly man, 35 years old, a hunter. Both married and lived together from now on.
The same day, Mansa got pregnant and gave birth to an adorable baby boy, but he was weak and died the first night. Mansa got heartbroken.
At the age of 57, Mansa invested all her time and energy in her work. A little while after, Mansa began to set a very strict planning of her days.