Ejikeme Adebiyiell, (-3022, -2984) was a beggar in Ngwenya Mine.
Ejikeme believed in Shamanism.
He lived a life of absolute poverty. Eating or sleeping in a safe place was a constant struggle. He lived as an outcast. To tell the truth, in Ngwenya Mine, he gained the trust or the friendship of no one. He had no culture at all and lived like a beast. He was vigorous, muscular, and had a near perfect body. He was a determined one, living an independant way of life.
Ejikeme, 22 years old, joins the small community of Ngwenya Mine as a beggar.
In the year -2990, Ejikeme spent a lot of time thinking and meditating about his beliefs. A little while after, Ejikeme drew a precise map of his location. A few weeks later, Ejikeme fell in love with Sekhmakh, a beautiful woman, 40 years old, a quarryman. Both married and lived together from now on.
Later, Sekhmakh got pregnant, and gave birth to a beautiful boy named Chapusana.
In the year -2984, Ejikeme invested time and efforts into a special artistic creation, but it wasn't a success, for he had no enough culture. People made fun of his attempt at creation, and Ejikeme lost courage. Soon after, Ejikeme sold everything he didn't use. A little while after, Ejikeme had his house stormed down by a hurricane.
On the next full moon, Sekhmakh got pregnant, and gave birth to an ugly girl named Lunja.
7 years later, Ejikeme did commit suicide by drowning himself.