Teriahi Lumberjackoff, (-2680, -2574) was a basket maker in Sidubu Cave.
Teriahi believed in Animism.
He lived a life of poverty. He was able to eat and sleep under a shelter, but ended with having no possession at all. He was considered as belonging to the lowest caste. However, he made some friends among it. He had only a basic knowledge that summed up to a few oral stories from childhood. He was force of nature, and people saw in their body and beauty the incarnation of a god. In the life, he was able to take a few important life-changing decisions.
Teriahi, 91 years old, basket maker, became the new leader of the family.
At the age of 106, Teriahi invested time and efforts into a special artistic creation, but it wasn't a success, for he had no enough culture. People made fun of his attempt at creation, and Teriahi lost courage. Soon after, Teriahi baked the perfect food.