Aksil Winston, (-2960, -2898) was a porter in Khami.
Aksil believed in Animism.
He lived a life of absolute poverty. Eating or sleeping in a safe place was a constant struggle. He lived as an outcast. To tell the truth, in Khami, he gained the trust or the friendship of no one. He had no culture at all and lived like a beast. He was robust, stunning, and never got sick a single time. He was known as resolute, with a true entrepreneur spirit.
Aksil, 52 years old, porter, became the new leader of the family.
Aged 62, Aksil decided to improve his knowledge. He found a mentor that teached him many new useful and wonderful things. A few weeks later, Aksil began to drink often.
Aksil died of a stroke.
10 years later, Aksil, 52 years old, porter, became the new leader of the family.