Gadise Danceresi, (-2732, -2619) was a brick maker in Gondershe.
Gadise believed in Shamanism.
She lived a life of absolute poverty. Eating or sleeping in a safe place was a constant struggle. She was considered as belonging to the lowest caste. However, she made some friends among it. She had a low knowledge of life, summing up to some technical tricks and tales from Gondershe. She was force of nature, and people saw in their body and beauty the incarnation of a god. In the life, she was able to take a few important life-changing decisions.
Gadise, 106 years old, brick maker, became the new leader of the family.
In the year -2619, Gadise spent time and money for the people that needed help. Soon after, Gadise didn't eat well because not much food was available. A few weeks later, Gadise had her ear pierced.