Chikondi Barberkin, (-2611, -2549) was a gatherer in Kintampo.
Chikondi believed in Ancient Egyptian religion.
She lived a life of absolute poverty. Eating or sleeping in a safe place was a constant struggle. She was considered as belonging to the lowest caste. However, she made some friends among it. She had no culture at all and lived like a beast. She was physically powerful, with a perfect body in a perfect health.She was considered spiritless, and unable to make a decision.
Chikondi, 48 years old, gatherer, became the new leader of the family.
Aged 62, Chikondi needed more love in her life and began to flirt around. Chikondi had a passionate affair with Onanojah, an average looking man, 48 years old, a latrines keeper. A bastard child came out of this short lived love. It was a beautiful boy named Chapusana. Chikondi had no choice but to adopt Chapusana who became part of the family from now on. A little while after, Chikondi met a good business partner. A little while after, Chikondi began to take naps regurlarly.